Saturday, 30 January 2016 14:02

Ai Campionati di Scherma del Mediterraneo, Algeri, ospite la delegazione di scherma storica dell'AIMA

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Ai Campionati di Scherma del Mediterraneo di Oran, in Algeria, è stata ospite una delegazione AIMA capitanata dai Maestri Francesco Lodà (Accademia Romana D'Armi), Roberto Gotti (Centro Studi Guardia di Croce) e Marco De Filippo (Compagnia d'arme La Rosa e La Spada).

Lasciamo alle parole del Maestro Lodà sull'evento:

Dear Friends,
I was appointed from the Algerian and Italian Fencing Federations to lead a delegation of historical fencers in Algeria, in Oran; tonight January the 29th, we'll present a demonstration of our HEMA disciplines during the Opening Ceremony of the Championnats du Mediterranée, an annual FIE world championship reserved to the Federations of the Mediterranean Sea.

This direct role is such an honour for me, for which I thank again both the Federations ad their Presidents for the trust, and I believe it is a brilliant moment for the whole HEMA communities too: to show our lineage for the first time in an international FIE event, also transmitted by satellite.

To best perform this with quality, I selected a delegation from our A.I.M.A. forces, that I'm glad to thank: Stefano Ciamei, Silvio Ciri, Marco De Filippo, Roberto Gotti, Jacopo Penso, Silvia Tomassetti.
Thanks also to other fencers I invited, Gaffurini, Ricci and Rubboli, that for many reasons couldn't join us this time.
We'll do our best to present some of HEMA variety and richness; we'll keep you informed about the event.

Francesco Lodà


Read 5548 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 November 2017 17:38

Informazioni generali

Scuola di Scherma Storica dal 2001.  Si insegna l'arte marziale della spada da cui deriva la moderna Scherma Olimpionica. Gli stili insegnati sono relativi a: Spada a Due Mani, Spada da Fante, Striscia con e senza daga, Sciabola, Spada da Terreno.

Sede Amministrativa: Largo Leo Longanesi 10, Roma
Telefono: (+39) 329 0956472 (Lun-Ven 10-13,15-18)
Fax: (+39) 06 5414782
P.IVA: 14918991002